Hardmoors 55, is a race along the Cleveland way with 2700m of Assent to be completed in 16hrs.

What a journey this has been first set out to do the race in 2018 , when the beast from the east stopped the race , DNF. The following year thought I would have another go the wind and rain was biblical causing a DNF 35miles in and mild hypothermia......Then Covid, was this race ever going to be mine . Usually ran in March was defured to October, knowing how much I wanted it Paul, my hubby, ran it with me in the time 15:37.
So this year I started with OTCF with a view of improving, mainly my strength and my stamina. I'm a bit on the old side to be taking it too seriously as I never in my wildest dreams thought I could see a podium. Next year I have a big bday and I feel confident enough to succeed. With hard work and determination it was time to pull my big girl pants up and do it myself and I did 😁 soooooooo bloody proud a massive PB of 1hrs 7mins ......never ever give up 👌❤💪
Thank you OTCF you rock
