November Eating Clean, Training Mean & Getting Lean Challenge
Join me In my November Eating Clean, Training Mean & Getting Lean Challenge

As my end of season fat month comes to an end this is when I need to get back to some sort of decent training before another short break at Xmas before the real work starts in January. So to keep myself focused I’ve decided to go all November with NO Chocolate and NO Crisps and everyday I’m going to do 60 abdominal exercises and 60 seconds held plank. The 60 60. I’m also going to get in the pool 5 times each week to get my swimming back up to scratch.
Sounds easy but can you do it ?? if so join me for all or some of it ?? (as I know not everyone who reads these emails is a swimmer. Non swimmers can commit to do 5 fitness sessions per week instead)
So far a few have joined me and committed so I’m naming them on here to show they are on board!!!
NO Choc & Crisps November and 60 60 challenge signed up list
Steve Clark, Gary Baugh, Ben Baugh, Marie Wilson, Richard Ogden, Isabel Turkington, Richard Stenton, Neil Buchan, Ben Richardson, Paul Mcewan, John Chambers, Sam Ritson, Chris Gibbs, Lesley Hattersley, Rob Carpenter, Kev Fish, Alexa Fish, Jane Taylor, Daz Sharpe, Lindsay O’Connor, Nicky Robinson, Aiden Grocock, Jordan Skelly, Jacqui Saxon and Hope the Dog
Throughout Nov all those on board keep posting your tips and pics to Off That Couch Fitness’s Facebook and Twitter @offthatcouchfit
Good Luck and time to get Lean