The London Marathon, the word on everyone’s lips for two weeks prior to the actual day. For me the road to London started back in August when I ran my first marathon. Never done one never thought about doing one and then I’m in one. No set time in my head, let’s just get to the finish. Crossed the line at 4 hours 17 minutes. Second marathon entered, Barcelona. Let’s see if I can actually break 4 hours. Crossed the line at 4 hours 14 minutes. Hard day at the office, hot and maybe my preparation was wrong. London Marathon entered via a charity place with MACS. Myself and my mate Craig raising money so we can run in an iconic event. So I travelled down on the Friday morningwith Glyn, Shawnie and Zoe listening to shocking music and listening to some of the stories from past London Marathons.
To say I am buzzing for it is an understatement. I feel good, I feel full of energy and I’m with friends who will share these same feeling with me in two days time. I collect my number from the EXPO and now it seems real. Having a little chat with Craig about the world record marathon time and how someone’s body actually lets them perform to that standard. Number collected now for food and rest. That evening and Saturday was spent resting and making sure I was hydrated and had a few good meals in me. Race day, the big day. Up at 6am, coffee, water, food, race kit on. So this is it, I am about to take part in the biggest marathon in the world, one which I have watched so many times in TV. When we reach our designated area I give everyone a hug and kiss Zoe and wish my friends good luck. I have a special surprise up my sleeve but only if I do something that I have not done before and that’s run a marathon in under 4 hours. As I sit on the grass with Craig to rest that one last time I just new deep down to my bones I was going to have a good day. Something Craig always says to me before and event “ you will do it today mate” when he said that I new today was going to end with smiles. At my starting area with a friend from work, who is running his first marathon. Having a chat and laugh about the past and this takes our minds off it. Then at around 10:20 we go and that’s it I am part of his huge event. As I run my own race I leave my friend after 3 miles, good luck mate see you later stay safe. As I run around London I see familiar faces from back home in the crowd. Big D i here from a distance which makes me laugh, thanks Rob. I can not describe the crowd around London, it was amazing. I strongly believe that the crowd has a huge part in you getting to the finish line. One place that stands out for me is when I crossed tower bridge, I could feel the vibration from the crowd cheering and stamping there feet. I found the 4 hour pacer at around 8 miles, I stayed with him till 23 miles. These men and women are just incredible. At 20 miles I passed Zoe, I didn’t see her but I heard a voice say oy Dawson, which my response was “ hello you sexy little bugger” a few ppl around us giggled. After a like conversation with Zo I said I felt good and at 23 miles I was going for it. At 23 miles I felt good, I had a sneaky look at my watch and a small grin came to my face. Let’s go Dawson let’s go and do this. As I ran around the last corner with 200 metres to go I looked at my watch and I new I have gone under 4 hours. The smile on my face was happiness, relief, monkey off my back and jubilation. Having that medal round your neck makes you feel so alive and happy. My goal was achieved 3 hours 56 minutes. The special surprise I had up my sleeve was to ask Zoe to marry me. Thankfully she said yes. It was her 30th Marathon and my first under 4 hours, what a day to remember. In the pub after “sorry coach” and after a few beers Craig said to me “ stop smiling” the thing is I couldn’t stop smiling, I was standing on top of Mount Everest with my friends Zoe, Shawnie, John, Craig, Gemma and Glyn. A big thank you goes to Steve. You know what you do day in day out for yourself, your family and us your friends and team mates. Thank you.
